Med-Arb Service

Med-Arb is an innovative method that offers a two-stage process in dispute resolution. In this process, the parties first commit to resolving their disputes through mediation (mediation stage). If an agreement cannot be reached at this stage, the remaining issues are resolved in a binding manner through arbitration (arbitration stage). Med-Arb allows for faster, more effective, and flexible resolution of disputes.

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    Advantages of Med-Arb

    Convenience: In the Med-Arb process, the parties pre-select the mediator and the arbitrator. This allows the parties to know in advance who will be the decision-maker in the dispute resolution process. The mediator and the arbitrator do not have to be the same person, but the parties can also show flexibility in this regard.

    Choice: In courts, parties cannot choose which judge will be assigned to their case. However, in the Med-Arb process, the parties have the freedom to choose an arbitrator suitable for their dispute. This allows them to select an arbitrator with specific expertise on the subject matter, increasing the likelihood of a fair decision.

    Timing: Parties can make a Med-Arb agreement before a dispute arises (e.g., within a contract), after the dispute arises but before mediation, or after mediation. This flexibility allows the process to be tailored to the needs of the parties.

    Cost and Time Savings: The Med-Arb process is generally faster and less costly than court proceedings. Parties can control the process without being bound by court rules and schedules. This allows disputes to be resolved in a shorter time and at a lower cost.

    Certainty: Parties can agree not to appeal the arbitrator’s decision. This prevents long and costly appeal processes in court proceedings. The binding nature of the arbitrator’s decision ensures that disputes are resolved definitively and quickly.

    Confidentiality: Unless the arbitrator’s decision is appealed, the Med-Arb process and its outcomes remain confidential. This protects the business and trade secrets of the parties and prevents public debates that may occur in court proceedings.

    Flexibility and Simplicity: The arbitration stage of the Med-Arb process can be tailored to the needs and budgets of the parties. Some parties may prefer lengthy formal sessions with witnesses, while others may opt for shorter, informal sessions or the final offer selection method. This flexibility ensures that the process is conducted in a way that meets the expectations of the parties.

    Disadvantages of Med-Arb

    Potential Problems of Dual Roles: If the same person serves as both mediator and arbitrator, there is a concern that the information learned during the mediation stage could compromise the neutrality principle during the arbitration stage. This may prevent parties from fully engaging in mediation.

    Cost and Time Management: Although Med-Arb is generally faster and less costly than court proceedings, costs and timing can become complex due to its two-stage nature. If the mediation stage fails, parties may also have to bear the cost of the arbitration stage.

    Lack of Certainty and Flexibility: If the parties agree not to appeal the arbitrator’s decision, the arbitrator’s decision is final and binding. This may result in an unfair or unsatisfactory decision for one of the parties, with no opportunity for appeal.

    Confidentiality Concerns: There may be uncertainties about how the information obtained during the mediation stage will be used in the arbitration stage. Parties may not be fully open during mediation, fearing that confidential information might be used by the arbitrator.

    Implementation Challenges: Successfully conducting both stages of the Med-Arb process requires the person managing the process to be experienced in both mediation and arbitration. Such expertise may not always be available, reducing the effectiveness of the process.

    Acceptance by the Parties: Gaining acceptance of the Med-Arb process among parties can be difficult. If one of the parties is hesitant to adopt this method, challenges may arise before the process even begins.

    ADRIstanbul’s Med-Arb Process

    ADRIstanbul stands out with its experienced and expert team in the Med-Arb process. The process begins with a dispute analysis and a strategy is developed that suits the needs of the parties. In the mediation stage, our experienced mediators guide the parties in finding a ground for agreement. If a result cannot be achieved at this stage, the arbitration stage begins, and our impartial arbitrators resolve the dispute fairly.

    ADRIstanbul provides services in accordance with principles of neutrality, ethical practices, justice, and professionalism. We help our clients resolve their disputes in the most effective and fastest way possible. With the support and guidance we provide at every stage of the Med-Arb process, we aim to earn our clients’ satisfaction and trust.