Rana Özşeker

Founder of RNA Change Management | ACMP Turkey Founding President


Rana Özşeker, the founder of RNA Change Management, completed her education at Saint Benoit French High School and then Boğaziçi University Department of Management. She started her career as an Audit Assistant at Pricewaterhouse (PwC). She worked as an Account Manager at Procter & Gamble (P&G) in Turkey and Caucasus-Central Asian Republics, worked in the establishment stages of SDV Horoz, Ingersoll Rand Turkey, and Allied Domecq companies, and served as a senior manager.

Rana Özşeker received ‘Coaching’ training and certificates from The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and Success Unlimited Network (SUN) and “Team Coaching” from Team Coaching International (TCI) and “Agile Coaching” training and certificates from Agile Affinity. Conselle Institute of Image Management (USA) and First Impressions (UK) are the institutions where she received training and certification on perception, image, communication. She has a Change Management Certificate from Association for Talent Development (ATD). She has taught in masterclasses at Bahçeşehir & Bilgi Universities.

Özşeker believes that a strong presence of women in the business world is crucial for the future and, she mentors women entrepreneurs and managers in associations such as Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Turkish Women International Network, and Professional Women Network. She has conducted a comprehensive study and prepared a report for G(irls)20. on the cultural and economic barriers to young girls in the country and what needs to be done to change them to be used at the G20 summit 2015.

Özşeker, who mentors and advises startups and entrepreneurs on different platforms, is a Board Member of the Arya Women Investment Platform and an Arya Investor.

Rana Özşeker, The Coaches Training Institute (CTI)’dan ile Success Unlimited Network (SUN)’dan ‘Koçluk’, Team Coaching International (TCI)’dan ‘Takım Koçluğu’ ve Agile Affinity’den ‘Agile Koçluk’ eğitim ve sertifikaları almıştır. Conselle Institute of Image Management (USA) ve First Impressions (UK) algı, imaj, iletişim konularında eğitim ve sertifika aldığı kurumlardandır. Association for Talent Development (ATD)’den Değişim Yönetimi sertifikası bulunmaktadır. Bahçeşehir & Bilgi Üniversiteleri’nde master sınıflarında ders vermiştir.

Özşeker, kadının iş dünyasında güçlü bir varlık göstermesinin, gelecek için çok önemli olduğuna inanmakta ve Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Turkish Women International Network and Professional Women Network gibi derneklerde kadın girişimci ve yöneticilere mentorluk yapmaktadır. 2015 yılında G20 zirvesinde kullanılmak üzere, Türkiye’deki genç kızların önündeki kültürel ve ekonomik engeller ve bunların değişmesi için yapılması gerekenlerle ilgili G(irls)20 için kapsamlı bir çalışma yürütmüş ve rapor hazırlamıştır.

Farklı platformlarda girşimlere ve girişimcilere mentorluk ve danışmanlık yapan Özşeker, Arya Kadın Yatırım Platformu’nda Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Arya Yatırımcısıdır.


Change Management

Cultural Transformation & Integration 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Social Entrepreneurship

Impact Investing


Experienced in her areas of expertise, regardless of the sectors.

Office Address and Contact Information

RNA Değişim Yönetimi – Ataşehir Bulvarı Sedef Caddesi Ata 2/2 Da: 140 Ataşehir/İstanbul



Change Management Certificate (ATD)

Accredited Coach (Co-Active, SUN,ICF)

Agile Coach (ICP-ACC)

Workplace Conflict Management (Mediation Training Institute International)

Leadership Perception & Image Management Professional (Conselle Institute & First Impression)

Cultural Assessment & Cultural Transformation Certificate (Barrett Values Center)

Board Member (Arya Women Investment Platform, Denis Miki Foundation)

Entrepreneur Mentor (Cherrie Blair Foundation, UN IRS, PWN,…)


Boğaziçi University, Management

Saint Benoit French High School