Right to Disconnect?

Right to Disconnect?

To be available 24/7 or not The Importance of the Right to Disconnect in the Context of Workplace Disputes With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many employees continue to work from home, the issue of the “right to disconnect” is becoming...
The Past, Present, and Future of ADR in the UAE

The Past, Present, and Future of ADR in the UAE

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made significant strides in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods. In the past, ADR, particularly mediation, was not a commonly used method in this region. Commercial disputes were generally resolved through...
Mediation and Wellbeing

Mediation and Wellbeing

The Importance of Building a Culture of Mediation for Employee Wellbeing in Organizations Employee wellbeing has long been a significant topic on the agenda of executives. However, during and after the pandemic, its place on that list became more prominent, rising to...
ADR Methods in Supply Chain Disputes

ADR Methods in Supply Chain Disputes

How Can the Sustainability of Cross-Border Trade Activities, Which Are Rapidly Increasing Due to Globalization, Be Maintained, and How Can ADR Methods Be Utilized? Our world is shrinking with the discovery of the internet and the rapid advancement of technology, but...